Freedom and Healing COME Through Forgiveness

This Truth Will Set Me Free from Unforgiveness!


I’m forgiving blessing others, blessing God, and blessing myself!

I am recognizing who I am now in Christ, my new identity, and live accordingly, recognizing that my old nature of bitterness is dead.

So I am telling myself who I really am, my true image NOW in Christ; a forgiver.  Christ the forgiver lives in me, therefore I walk in forgiveness.  Now Christ is my life.

I am acting according to who I really am NOW “in Christ”, loving and forgiving just as Christ has loved and forgiven me.

I’m getting off of the destructive wide road of unforgiveness and bitterness, and choosing a life of righteousness for His names sake through forgiveness, a life in the Spirit of life and peace.

 Eph. 4:15,23-27,29-32; Col. 2:6,3:1-4; Gal. 5:16-25; Heb. 8:12; Rom. 10:10


I speak the truth in love, and grow to become in every respect mature in Christ.  Since I have been raised with Christ, I set my heart on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God, where forgiveness, mercy, and grace are abundant! I set my mind on things above, not on earthly things (like hurt, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, negative thoughts toward others or myself).  For I died, those things are not who I am now.  My life is now hidden with Christ in God.  Now Christ is my life.

Just as I received Christ Jesus as Lord, I continue to live my life in Him, believing with my heart in His mercy and confessing it with my mouth.  I believe with my heart and confess with my mouth what God says concerning every issue in my life.

I am being constantly renewed in the attitude of my mind and putting on my new self full of mercy, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

I’m rejecting all that is false and I’m done with it now!  I absolutely put off falsehood by speaking truthfully, mercy.  I will not be angry and sin! I do not let the sun go down while I am still angry and give place to the devil. I give forgiveness and give no opportunity to the devil!  Him who has stolen from me will steal no longer! I belong to Christ and love and forgive! 

I will not let foul, polluting, evil, unwholesome or worthless talk of offense and unforgiveness come out of my mouth, but only words that are beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, and what is good for building me and others up, that it may be a blessing and give grace (God’s favor). 

I will not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by being bitter or angry!  I put away all evil speaking from myself with all malice, spite, or ill will of any kind.  I choose to be kind to others, tenderhearted, compassionate, forgiving (readily and freely), even as God in Christ forgave me.   Because I am in Christ and am a new creation, the old me, who holds grudges, has gone, the new me, who forgives freely, is here!


Now I walk and live in the Holy Spirit, controlled and guided by the Spirit; that’s why I will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of my flesh and hold a grudge. For the desires of my flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against my flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep me from doing the things I want to do.

I have the Spirit in me to bear fruit; to love, keep no record of wrongs, be joyful in all circumstances and be patient, kind, faithful, humble, gentle, and self-controlled.  I have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires to be offended because I now live in the Spirit, and also walk in the Spirit. God’s Spirit always guides me to see the good in others and bless.  My conduct is controlled by the Spirit!  Therefore I forgive myself and _________ completely of all wickedness and will remember his/her and my sins no more, just as God has forgiven me completely and remembers my sins no more.

I am slow to anger and abounding in love through Jesus in me!  I cover over offense and seek love, just like Jesus.  I do not repeat the matter and cause separation, because I keep no records of wrongs.  I walk in God’s love so that I am never quick to take offense.  Because the Lord has freely forgiven me from all my sins, I freely forgive myself and ________.  Since I’ve been forgiven much, I love much!  I’m extremely grateful because His love is better than life, and has covered over a multitude of sins, so I gladly forgive and cover over the sins of ________.  In the name of Jesus, I release all judgment I have held against ________, because I am guilty of the same things.

God, I realize how much grace You have given me and I desire to walk in the Holy Spirit’s power, love, and sound mind, so I forgive.  I live in God’s peace, joy, and righteousness. Rather than miss out on God’s grace, defile myself, and be tormented through an unforgiving and bitter spirit, I will walk in the  love, Your glory, and overlook offense. Thank You for filling my heart with Your love, and teaching me that my real image is that of love and mercy.

Num. 14:18; Mat. 10:8,18:32-25; Luke 7:47; 1Pet. 4:8; Rom. 2:1,5:8,14:17; Eph. 2:8-9; 2Tim. 1:7; Heb. 12:15; Pro. 17:9,19:11; 1Cor. 13:5; Psa. 63:3; 2Pet 1:2; Gal. 5:22-23


I’m Taking a Stand as a Forgiver!  Your Word is a lamp and a light, giving light to my eyes that I might see clearly how people around me are hurting and bound up.  It’s Your Word that shows me the real situation and keeps me free from offense. I cover an offense by seeking love. God’s Word will always fill my heart with love and compassion. 

I am obedient to God’s Word and I love God, therefore I cannot hate __________.  I forgive _______ for he/she did not know what he/she was doing, being bound up by an unclean spirit, which caused him/her to be out of control and not in his/her right mind.  Bless and save ______!  When people are deceived and blind, unable to make good decisions, love or react in good ways, I will love them, do good to them, bless and pray for them, and let them See Jesus.  

I am blessed with a heart full of God’s love and forgiveness.  I bless _________ with a heart full of God’s love and forgiveness, to be full of the joy of the Lord, and with a mind at perfect peace, stayed on God, trusting in Him. 

If I love those who love me and if I do good to those who do good to me, and if I lend to those from whom I hope to receive back, what credit is that to me? For even sinners do the same.  I follow the Spirit and give mercy not judgment and great is my reward!  

I forgive freely and give mercy not judgment and receive a great reward!  I will be known as a child of the Most High for living through Him and being kind to unthankful and evil people.  I’m merciful, just as my Father also is merciful.  God desires mercy so I also desire mercy.  I speak evil of no one.  I am humble toward all people since at one time I too was foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. I lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating and God’s mercy and love was poured out on me!  


I do not judge or condemn but give forgiveness and grace to all people because that’s what God gave me. And God’s grace will be given to me: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into my lap. For with the same measure that I use, it will be measured back to me. 

I will not be blind and fall into a pit but remove the plank of unforgiveness, judgment, and condemnation from my eye, and then I will be able to see clearly to help others remove those same specks out of their eyes.

I have forgiven for mine and _______ sakes in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us; for I am not ignorant of his devices through unforgiveness. 

I will not put a curse on me or anyone through unforgiveness!  Unforgiveness is an enemy to our souls! It’s not a burden for me to do God’s commands, love one another, rejoice always, pray continually and give thanks in all my circumstances.

I forgive offenses and those I forgive their offenses are forgiven; if I do not forgive, their offenses are retained.  I am a forgiver and choose to release people and myself from all offenses.

God demonstrated his own love for me in this: While I was still sinning, Christ died for me.  Therefore I will demonstrate God’s love toward _________ even when he/she is still sinning.  


Jesus told me in Him I HAVE peace and forgiveness and that in the world I will HAVE tribulation and trials and distress and frustrations.  I am being of good cheer because He, the Forgiver, is in me and has overcome the unforgiveness and offense of the world!  

The Holy Spirit is in me and is greater than he, the offender who is in the world coming against me! 

I sow forgiveness toward _____ generously and reap it generously. I don’t give forgiveness to _____ grudgingly, reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful forgiver.  God is able to bless me abundantly with a forgiving spirit, so that in all things at all times, having all the forgiveness I need, I will abound in every good work to forgive all people.

I confess my sins of unforgiveness toward _______ that I may be healed. My prayers of forgiveness as the righteousness in Christ are powerful and effective. 

I do not conceal sins of unforgiveness because then I will not prosper.  I quickly confess, renounce and forsake unforgiveness and obtain mercy. 

As God’s chosen, holy and dearly loved, I always clothe myself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. I bear with and forgive everyone.  I forgive as the Lord forgave me, unconditionally.  And over all these virtues I put on love, which binds me together in perfect unity with others. 

Ps 119:105;  Ps 19:8; John 20:23;  Luke 23:34; 1 John; 4:20; 5:3; Luke 6:27-28, 37-42; John 20:23;  Mark 5:1-5;  2Cor 9:6-8;  James 5:16;  Col 3:12-13;  Col 1:19-20; John 10:27;  Rom 5:8; Prov 28:13; Prov 17:9; 1Pet 2:9; Isa 26:3; 2Cor. 2:10-11; Titus 3:2-7; Matt. 9:13