Power Pack #2: Power of Words


The Bible says (Proverbs 18:21) that my tongue has power and that I release power through the words I speak. Every word I speak either has life giving power or death attached to it. If I speak about fear I give power to fear in my life. God’s Word tells me that He has not given me a spirit of fear. Fear is a spirit but not from God. His perfect love casts out ALL fear. God has given me a Spirit of power, love and a sound mind.  Words connect me to the power of the Holy Spirit or to the power of evil spirits. In John 6:63 it says, It is the Spirit who gives life; the words I speak to you are Spirit and they are life.  This is why I will do like Jesus did and live on every WORD that comes from the mouth of God because whatever I choose to talk about I give power to in my life.  I will keep myself paying attention to God’s Word, listening closely, not letting it out of my sight but getting it in my heart by speaking His Word from my mouth. God’s Word produces life and health to my whole body, every part of it! (Prov 4:20-24) God’s Word gives me length of days in one hand and riches and honor in the other. (Prov 3:16)    The Bible says if I don’t understand the power of words and their ability to produce much fruit I will not understand any of the parables or know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Mark 4:11-13 I will not let His Word depart from my mouth. I meditate on it day and night because speaking His powerful Words make me prosperous and successful! Josh 1:8  The incorruptible seeds of God’s Word give me a HEALTHY, POWERFUL, and WHOLE LIFE!  I am LITERALLY in a WORD WAR! Jesus and Satan battled not with guns, fire, armies, or swords, but just words!

EVERY word matters! I will learn to CHOOSE my words wisely. Words guard me. steer me, become me. Jesus the Word is my way to a STRONG FOUNDATION in every area of my life.    Romans 10:13 When I call on the name of the Lord through the words I speak I am saved from every kind of destruction.  Ps 107:20  Speaking God’s Word makes me powerful and free!  Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  (2Cor 3:17) These 40 days on the power of words teaches me to use my mouth for the glory of God.  Whatever I do in word or deed, I do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Col 3:17)  My words will be used to bless not curse, heal not hurt, bring freedom not bondage, lift up not tear down, bring life not death. I will learn to use the power of my tongue to bring people out of every kind of darkness to the marvelous light of Jesus!  1Pet 2:9

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