Freedom From Being Overwhelmed

I had gone through deliverance twice within a month. I didn’t fill the space cleaned out in my soul very well, though. It was only a couple of days before some of the old enemies tried to take up residence again. I told a couple of friends that it was like I had thrown a family reunion for haughty spirits and they all showed up. And brought their plus ones. I had learned enough to evict them in Jesus’ name.

I knew I was going to be moving into a new season in my walk with the Lord. Just in case I wasn’t sure about that, I came under oppression. Emotionally and spiritually, I felt as though I was trying to walk through chest deep water. It was hard to move and sometimes I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I was completely overwhelmed. Bonnie and I went through the list of spirits, breaking ground and uprooting them in Jesus’ name. In my mind’s eye I could see a field covered by holes where something had been pulled out by the roots. There was the dry hard clay on the top, but where the holes were, there was fresh, wonderful soil just asking to have something planted. Bonnie told me to read some of the confessions and prayers from the website every day to plant God’s word in my heart.

Now, I’ve been a Christian for over 40 years. I didn’t need someone telling me what to pray and I could certainly come up with my own confessions without anyone’s help. Once I kicked haughty back out in Jesus’ name I got down to business and did what Bonnie had suggested. It is important to speak the prayers and confessions aloud whenever possible. The voice we trust most is our own. That is why our negative self-talk brings so much death and destruction to our souls. When we change what we speak, we change. We become new people. As we repeat these confessions over & over again, they seep into us and completely saturate our souls. When we are full of God’s words, there is no room for Satan’s lies.

A few weeks after this deliverance took place, I attended a class on prophecy at our church. During this time God told me that the reason I had struggled so hard and felt so weighted down was that I had been continuing in my own strength. If I had allowed Him to be in control and just lifted my feet from the mud and muck, I would have floated in a place of peace!
