Living Food Health Tips

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.”  Prov. 18:21

40 Days of Living Food verses Dead Food

Take a 40 Day Smoothie Challenge by making a smoothie every day for the next 40 days.  It’s an easy and fun way to get living food in your body!

1.  We should eat mostly Living Food, which consists of raw fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds.  Our bodies are living organism comprised of living cells.

2.  Living food has not had its life force (enzymes) destroyed by heat.  Processed sugar causes MANY diseases to our body.  Living foods will make you feel better and look better!

3.  All food that is cooked is dead food, and can’t properly nourish the living cells.  Raw and live foods nourish and improve the body’s inner environment. Raw and live foods enable the body to dislodge and expel accumulated wastes.

4.  Enzymes also help speed healing after surgery and chemotherapy, fight inflammation, help boost our immune system as well as many other benefits.

5.  Enzymes found in living food play a crucial role in aiding our bodies in the process of proper digestion, elimination and absorption of vital nutrients found in living food.

6.  Dr. Edward Howell, pioneer of Enzyme Therapy said, “Enzymes are substances that make life possible…Without enzymes, no activity at all would take place.”

7. Neither vitamins, minerals nor hormones can do any work without enzymes.  Aim for eating 50-80% living food daily.  Bananas contain high levels of fructooligosaccharide which promote calcium absorption and nourish healthy bacteria in the colon that manufactures vitamins and digestive enzymes which boost the body’s overall ability to absorb nutrients.

8. Dr. Francis Pottenger did an experiment in which he fed 900 cats the same foods for nine years. However, half of the cats ate their food raw and the other half ate their food cooked. The cats who ate their food raw over the nine years never suffered any physical problem. But he observed that the cats that ate the cooked food developed the same physical problems from which many people in civilized societies suffer and the longer the cats ate the dead/cooked food, the earlier the cats experienced sickness.

9.  Live food eaters feel better and have more energy and stamina.

10.  The high amounts of potassium in bananas can restock electrolytes that are easily depleted when suffering from diarrhea — potassium being an important electrolyte itself.

11.  Those who live on living foods are better rested and better rested during sleep in less time.  The worst of dead foods are refined flour and added sugar—they may actually suck stored vitamins out of your body as your system tries to metabolize them.

12.  Those who eat mostly living foods are more alert, and think clearer, sharper and more logically.

13.  Those who rely upon living foods become more active and precise in their motions and actions as well as their thoughts. Hence they perform much better and with more competence.

14. Food is fuel and dead food is a very low-grade fuel which is not capable of adequately nourishing our living bodies, comprised of living cells.

15.  Best of all, live food eaters become virtually sickness-free!  Live food eaters are less subject to stresses and nervous tensions.

16.  Vitamins are rather quickly destroyed by cooking.

17.  Heated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radicals, other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in the publication, “Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. “

18.  Cooked foods not only take longer to digest but often prove to be indigestible and unassailable as in the case of heated proteins.

19.  Cooked foods quickly ferment and putrefy in the intestinal tract while living foods are almost totally absorbed before they’re oxidized enough for yeast and bacterial ferments and putrefaction.

20. The average conventional eater has about two pounds of intestinal bacteria whereas living food eaters have only a few ounces.

21.  About 20% of the feces of cooked food eaters is dead bacteria, whereas living food eaters give off only a fraction as much dead bacteria.

22.  The chemical additives, preservatives, and man-made fats are also toxic to your system and they are stored as plaque, which clogs your arteries.

23.  When your food is processed and preserved by the addition of refined flour, salt, sugar and chemicals, it literally sucks the life (vitamins, minerals and enzymes) out of your body, as it tries to digest and metabolize it.

24.  There are no usable nutrients left, so you are under nourished.  Your body craves more nutrients, so you end up overeating empty calories and becoming malnourished at the same time.

25.  Everything you put in your mouth has the potential to make you healthy or sick.

26.  At about 107 degrees, the enzymes that give life in raw plant foods start to die, and by about 122 degrees, all enzymes have been destroyed and living food becomes dead food.

27. When you are feeding your body with living food you are feeding your body properly and will experience good health!

28. Life begets life! Dead food cannot properly sustain life! Dead food causes physical breakdown and ultimately sickness and an untimely and unnecessarily early death.

29. Dead foods are the opposite. They are living foods that have fallen into human hands and have been altered in every imaginable way, making them last as long as possible at room temperature and to be as addictive as possible to the consumer.

30.  There is a deadly, sludgy substance that is toxic to our bodies. That sludgy substance – which is called “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oil – is a common ingredient in the American diet and is present in most processed foods.

31.  Considerable amounts of sugar, which is called “dextrose,” “corn syrup”, “fructose,” “glucose,” and generally any other food ending in “ose” are added, doing much damage to our bodies!

32.  When you eat living foods, the enzymes in their pristine state interact with your digestive enzymes. The other natural ingredients God put in them – vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, fiber, and more – flow into your system in their natural state. These living foods were created for our digestive systems, bloodstream, and organs.

33. Dead foods hit our bodies like a foreign intruder. Chemicals, including preservatives, food additives, bleaching agents, and so on, place a strain on the liver.  Eating cooked food prevents the immune system from working on what is really important in keeping us superbly healthy and young in body, mind and soul.

34.Cooked foods cannot create true health because they are missing some very vital elements needed by the body for its optimal functioning; things like enzymes, oxygen, hormones, phytochemicals, bio-electrical energy and life-force.

35. Each cell of the body is like a tiny battery, and raw and living foods supply the bio-electricity which charges these batteries.

36. When you eat cooked (enzymeless) foods, you put a heavy burden on your body, which then has to produce the enzymes missing in the food. One of the reasons you feel lethargic or sleepy after a cooked meal is because the body is diverting its energy to replacing the enzymes that were not supplied. By comparison, a raw food meal leaves you feeling light and full of energy.

37. Ingesting cooked food also causes the body to produce a surge of white blood cells (leukocytosis). These cells normally defend against disease, infection and injury to the body, but their production is a routine effect of ingesting cooked foods (as if the body considers such food a threat or danger).

38.  Raw foods are full of oxygen, especially green leafy vegetables which contain an abundance of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll detoxifies the bloodstream and every other part of the body better than anything else you could eat.

39. Sprouted seeds contain vital elements which nourish our glands, nerves and brain.

40.  Raw fiber has the ability to act as a broom, which sweeps the intestinal tract and keeps it clean. Cooked fiber has lost the ability to do this for us. Enemas and colonics serve their purpose, but they are a poor substitute for what nature, by putting (raw) fiber into foods, has provided.

Sources for these 40 days of health tips: